Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the hypocrisy of peddling Covid fear, vaccine mandate protesters kick up their heels in Times Square, and the fizzling of the “dangerous” right-wing J6 rally (while the border is being overrun by illegal immigrants). Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

HYPOCRITE CHRONICLES, PART 1: Liberals Peddle COVID Fear to the Little People, Continue to Ignore Their Own Advice – PJ Media

IT BEARS RE-POSTING: Arizona Attorney General Condemns Biden Administration’s Warning Label On Constitution, Declaration

MORE BAD BIDEN NEWS: Pentagon confirms 10 civilians killed in Afghanistan drone strike, including 7 children

BRAZIL BEGINNING TO UNRAVEL THE PLANDEMIC: The mayor and health secretary of Guaruja (Brazil) have been arrested.

C’MON MAN! WE NEED THOUSANDS! Hundreds descend on Times Square as part of global vaccine protests, point finger at Biden | Just The News

A PRUDENT PERSON WOULD ASSUME SHE MUST HAVE BEEN IN A DRUNKEN STUPOR: NOT A JOKE: Nancy Pelosi Says Biden is ‘Perfect’ Because He ‘Knows Foreign Policy!’ | Sean Hannity

I HOPE YOU KIDS SEE WHAT A SILLY WASTE OF RESOURCES THIS WAS”: The Photo That Sums Up the ‘Far-Right’ Rally That Terrified DC and Liberal America (

ONLY THE FIRST DURHAM DOMINO: Indictment Shows that John Durham Is Going After More People than Michael Sussmann (

A POLL WE CAN BELIEVE IN: New poll finds majority of Americans think US less united under President Biden (

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