Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the unfounded claims of election fraud aren’t so unfounded anymore, Biden trying to sweep the Afghanistan debacle under the rug at the UN, the vaccine’s not the only thing full of sh*t, and Tucker Carlson exposes the Army’s dark side. Could it be…..Satan? Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

MSM, THIS IS WHAT’S REFERRED TO AS “EVIDENCE”: EXCLUSIVE: Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri on 2020 Election in Leaked Recording: “I Think It Was Done Through DEAD PEOPLE Voting. I Think IT WAS MULTIFACETED – BALLOT HARVESTING” (AUDIO) (thegatewaypundit.com)

YOU’RE GOING TO NEED A BIGGER BROOM: Biden Claims U.S. Has ‘Turned The Page’ On Afghanistan In U.N. Speech, Even As Americans Remain Stranded | The Daily Wire

DEFUND THE POLICE WAS DESTUPIDEST THING THE DEMS TRIED TO CAUSE CHAOS: The defund failure: Chicago mayor now wants to refund police amid violent crime surge – TheBlaze

THE VACCINE’S NOT THE ONLY THING FULL OF IT: Bombshell: Project Veritas Strikes Again as Hospital Staffer Claims ‘Vaccine Is Full of Sh*t’ – PJ Media

GUESS WHO PRODUCED OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE? How Durham Bombshell Made a ‘Birther’ Out of Me – American Thinker

SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE FIRED… Twisted teacher gleefully brags about ignoring law to teach CRT with a ‘clever workaround’ (bizpacreview.com)

THE US ARMY AND…SATAN? Tucker Carlson reveals bizarre US Army powerpoint justifying mandatory vaccine that includes one slide about SATANISM – The Right Scoop

MICHIGAN WEATHERMAN GETS IT RIGHT: Weatherman of 33 years fired for refusing COVID vaccine, goes out with epic final statement (wnd.com)

FOLLOW THE SCIENCE…THE TRUE SCIENCE: Former FDA Commissioner Obliterates “Arbitrary” 6-feet Distancing Rule…Not Based on Science (100percentfedup.com)

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