Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include a “whistleblower” who is basically a Democrat party operative, a guide on how to get a vaccine exemption, Biden’s DOJ mobilizing against parents’ freedom of speech, and a poll whose results could not be any more obvious. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

LAST WEEK – FAKE WHITE HOUSE, THIS WEEK – FAKE WHISTLEBLOWER: Far Left Facebook Whistleblower: People Like Me Should Regulate Big Tech (

CLUELESS MEDIA AND SOROS: “Pandora Papers”: The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They’re Too Dumb to Notice (

YOU GET FIRED? YOUR EMPLOYER GETS SUED: A Definitive Guide To Getting A Vaccine Exemption (

HE SAID WHAT? We May Need Joe Biden’s Handlers to Decipher What He Just Said About Gretchen Whitmer – RedState

2021 GUN SALES SHOOT UP: ‘Firearms bubble economy’ makes 2021 second-highest gun sales year ever | Washington Examiner

DOJ MIGHT AS WELL BE DNC: BREAKING: Biden admin mobilizes FBI against parents opposing CRT and COVID restrictions | The Post Millennial

NYC TEACHERS SUE OVER MANDATE: NYC teachers sue over vaccine mandate as thousands reportedly take to the streets (

LET’S GO BRANDON! Check out the way Howell, Michigan welcomed Biden today – The Right Scoop

NOW, A MESSAGE FROM CAPTAIN OBVIOUS: Poll: After Eight Months of Biden, Americans Say GOP Better for Prosperity and Security

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