Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Maxine Waters paying her daughter 70k from campaign funds, Southwest caving to mandate pressures, Christopher Steele materializes suddenly on the dossier, NY continues to erase history, and the left comes up with a new solution for supply chain issues…get over it. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

MAD MAX(INE) PAYS CAMPAIGN FUNDS TO HER DAUGHTER: Maxine Waters Paid Her Daughter over $70k in Campaign Funds This Year (breitbart.com)

SOUTHWEST’S PLAN TO VIOLATE UNVAXXED CIVIL RIGHTS CRASHES & BURNS: Southwest Caves, Scraps Plan to Put Unvaccinated Workers on Unpaid Leave After Pilots Protest Covid Vax Mandate (thegatewaypundit.com)

STEELE ATTEMPTS TO GET AHEAD OF THE STORY ON THE DOSSIER: Christopher Steele Defends Discredited Trump Dossier | The Daily Wire

“GET OVER IT” ISN’T A PLAN: The Left Offers a New Solution to the Supply Chain Crisis: Get Over It (townhall.com)

THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMM: Two More Senior House Democrats Announce Retirement – PJ Media

UNDERCOVER OF THE NIGHT: REPORT: In the Dead of Night: Biden Secretly Flies Planeloads of Underage Illegals to New York – RedState

THE PATH TO COMMUNISM INCLUDES ERASING HISTORY: Thomas Jefferson statue to be removed from New York City Hall after panel vote | Just The News

CHRONICLES OF HYPOCRISY: THIS IS REAL: Kamala Harris Posts Video of Herself Walking from SUV to Massive Jet to Discuss Climate Change | Sean Hannity

SUPER SPREADER? ANOTHER FAIL FOR FAUCI: Anthony Fauci Proven Wrong Again…by NBC (townhall.com)

CHINA FIRST: Biden-Linked CCP Oil Firm Hits Record Production Amidst Keystone Pipeline Cancellation. (thenationalpulse.com)

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