Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include RINOS bailing out Biden’s so-called “Infrastructure” bill, Aaron Rodgers standing up to the cancel culture mob, Peter Doocy asks the apparently “difficult” questions, and the salaciousness of Ashley Biden’s diary. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

IMAGE CREDIT: incurable_hippie on Creative Commons

AND “WE THE PEOPLE” SAY PRIMARY THEM: GOP Bails Out Biden to Pass So-Called Infrastructure Bill (

NO LAUGHING MATTER: “Ha Ha Ha! That is Hilarious!” – Biden Energy Secretary Laughs When Asked About Biden’s Plans to Bring Gas Prices Down (VIDEO) (

AARON RODGERS ON “BODILY AUTONOMY” ‘I Realize I’m In The Crosshairs Of The Woke Mob Right Now’: Unvaccinated Aaron Rodgers Speaks | The Daily Wire

SOMEHOW THE FLU WILL COME BACK NOW WITH A VENGEANCE (READ ABOUT THE PCR TEST CREATOR’S VIEW OF COVID-19 AND HIS TEST) We could be celebrating the ‘end of the pandemic’ as early as January, says Dr. Scott Gottlieb – TheBlaze

I DON’T UNDERSTAND YOUR NON-ANSWER: EPIC FAIL: White House Logic on Paying Illegal Immigrants Collapses in 16 Seconds | Sean Hannity

THEY’RE AT IT AGAIN (OR STILL AT IT): Biden sent 70 secret night flights of migrants from border to Florida | Washington Examiner

THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO EWW: Owens on diary entry: Biden’s daughter is ‘second person in family to make incestuous allegations’ (

ALL LIES LEAD TO HILLARY: New court documents detail alleged web of lies used to fabricate Steele Dossier, frame Trump | Just The News

WITH LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES, IT’S WINTER ALL YEAR ROUND: Maher Bashes Snowflakes: “You Need To Repeat Kindergarten” (

PRO-LIFERS AND SCOTUS: If Supreme Court Betrays Pro-Lifers, Blow Up The Right’s Legal Movement (

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