Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the horrifying (yet hilarious) prospect of a Hillary comeback, Youngkin delivers, Fauci cashes in, 2 Democrats sink the filibuster takeover, and Carhartt goes woke. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

NEED A LAUGH FOR YOUR DAY? CNN Op-Ed Claims ‘Everyone’ Excited by Prospect of Hillary’s Comeback (

LIBERAL DARLING STARBUCKS DOES THE UNTHINKABLE: Starbucks Nixes Covid Vaccine Requirement After Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden OSHA Mandate (

THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: Youngkin Delivers On Promises In First Week | The Daily Wire

ENRICHING HIMSELF BY LYING TO CONGRESS: Fauci Cashed in During the Pandemic and Now We Know the Numbers (

LIES, LIES, LIES…YEAH: The CDC Finally Makes a Massive Admission About COVID-19 – RedState

TWO MODERATE DEMS SAVE DEMOCRACY! Senate Blocks Chuck Schumer’s Gambit to Break Filibuster (

THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS: Biden fails to deliver on promises in first year in White House | One America News Network (

EVERYTHING WOKE… ‘Kiss my country ass!’ Carhartt told to find new clientele over ‘insane’ vax requirement (

MAKES SENSE IF IT’S INTERNAL MISINFORMATION: ‘Beyond Parody’: CNN Announces They’re Hiring Team To Cover ‘Misinformation’ – The Political Insider

NATURALLY: CDC Admits Natural Immunity Outperformed Vaccine-Only Protection Against Delta Variant (

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