This week’s topics at the Lighthouse include USA Today “fact-checking” the Babylon Bee (duh!), Biden thinking we don’t have memory when it comes to inflation and gas prices, an epic battle between Doocy and Psaki, Duck Duck Go-ing down a bad path, big tech giants salivating over “social credit monitoring”, and Kamala opening her mouth to show her serious lack of ability to perform the duties of the “office” she holds.

Question of the Week: Where did COVID go?

Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:


ONE PROBLEM – BOTH INFLATION AND GAS PRICES WERE RISING BEFORE THE WHOLE RUSSIA/UKRAINE THING: Biden finds a scapegoat for inflation, high gasoline prices: Vladimir Putin – Washington Times

EV DYSFUNCTION: Watch Psaki and Doocy Spar Over Whether Biden Owns an Electric Vehicle (hannity.com)

POWER (NEVER-ENDING) OVER PEOPLE (THEY’RE EXPENDABLE): Democrats NEED a War with Russia to Survive — It Will Cause MILLIONS of Deaths But They Are Evil Enough to Do it (thegatewaypundit.com)

SURPRISE…SURPRISE: Trump Interview Racks Up 5 Million Views In 24 Hours. YouTube Deletes It – As He Predicted. | The Daily Wire

THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMM: Bill Maher: Why Putin invaded Ukraine under Biden, not Trump, is ‘worth asking’ | Fox News

DUCK DUCK NO!!! Conservatives dump search engine after it vows to censor ‘Russian disinformation’ sites (bizpacreview.com)

SATIRE: NOUN – IRONY, SARCASM, OR CAUSTIC WIT USED TO ATTACK HUMAN FOOLISHNESS: For Some Reason, USA Today Felt the Need to Fact-Check Satire (townhall.com)

BIG(GER) BROTHER IS COMING: Worldwide Social Credit Industry – Infrastructure to Support Social Credit Systems Represents a $16.1 Billion Opportunity by 2026 – ResearchAndMarkets.com (yahoo.com)

BIOLABS, FAUCI, & RUSSIA…OH MY!: Ukrainian Bio Labs, Anthrax, Fauci & Russia Dots Connected By Glenn Greenwald On Tucker Carlson [VIDEOS] (redvoicemedia.com)

THE BIDEN/HARRIS IDIOCRACY CONTINUES: Watch: Kamala Harris Crashes and Burns When Hit with Question Overseas, Serves Up Her Worst Word Salad Yet (westernjournal.com)

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