This week’s topics at the Lighthouse include Dems salivating over the first amendment rights of Clarence Thomas’ wife, the aftershock of NYT’s Hunter Biden laptop admission, the latest on big-tech censorship (and a hint at the end), the optics of a very long movie drag on, why the Dems need to be destroyed (like you don’t already know), fighting racism in Washington…with racism, our need to destroy the “uniparty”, and more.

Question of the Week: What is a woman?

Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

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OH, THAT PESKY FIRST AMENDMENT: Rabid Democrats Call on Justice Thomas to Recuse Himself From Jan. 6 Cases Because His Wife Exercised Her First Amendment Rights on 2020 Election (

LET’S GET SERIOUS: 4 Takeaways From NYT’s Attempt To Control The Hunter Biden Narrative (

CENSORING CENSORSHIP: If Congress Doesn’t Rein In Big Tech, Censors Will Eliminate The Right (

ARE YOU STILL ENJOYING THE MOVIE? Consumer Sentiment Sinks as Hope Crashes and Inflation Expectations Hit Four-Decade High | Breitbart

THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO “THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS”: Trump Calls for Clinton-Appointed Judge to be Recused from his Lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and the DNC | The Gateway Pundit

WE CAN’T WAIT TO BE SAVED…WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES: Democrats Need to Be Destroyed | Townhall

LET’S COUNTER RACISM WITH…RACISM? WA schools adopt race-based discipline, white students to get harsher punishment | MyNorthwest

ON THE DARK SIDE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered with Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds from Obama’s Defense Department | The National Pulse

TORCHING TRUDEAU: Watch European Union Parliament Members Roast Trudeau, ‘You’re a Disgrace’ | Hannity

THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: Elon Musk pans Twitter over free speech, asks ‘is a new platform needed’ … followers have a better idea | Bizpacreview

THE UNIPARTY IS DRUNK WITH POWER: The Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party will Continue | American Thinker

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