This week’s topics at the Lighthouse include more inflation deflection from the Biden “Administration”, Lefties blockade the Supreme Court ahead of the possible Roe vs. Wade decision, Rolling Stone fake watches Matt Walsh’s documentary before dogging it, the ratings for the J6 propaganda show tank spectacularly, Home Depot shows they have a backbone, we highlight a list of Joe Biden’s “accomplishments” and more!

Question of the Week: What did you do (or watch) in lieu of the J6 Inquisition/Show Trial?

Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

Photo credit: Paramount Pictures

NOW DOWNPLAYING J6 IS CAUSING INFLATION…YEAH, RIGHT: Larry Summers Blames ‘Banana Republicans,’ January 6 for Inflation | Breitbart

TRUE INSURRECTION: Leftist Groups Join Together to Blockade Supreme Court on Monday — With Possibility of Abortion Ruling | The Gateway Pundit

WHAT IS A BIGOT? We Have The Receipts: Rolling Stone Hit Piece Calls ‘What Is A Woman?’ Transphobic, But Its Author Watched 0% Of The Movie | Daily Wire

VIEWERS PREFER ACTUAL NEWS OVER PROPAGANDA – TV Ratings for Jan. 6 Hearing Are In: Viewers Changed the Channel in Droves | The Western Journal

“…THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”: Senate Reaches Gun Control Compromise Deal With 10 Republicans Signing On | The Truth About Guns

DESPERATE TIMES MEAN DESPERATE LEFT-WING SENATORS: Senate Democrats call on Biden to subvert expected SCOTUS abortion ruling with crazy executive order | BPR

BLM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LABOR RIGHTS: Judge Sides With Home Depot After Company Prevented Employees From Wearing Black Lives Matter Imagery | Resist The Mainstream

THE HYPOCRISY CHRONICLES: We Asked Every Jan. 6 Committee Member When They’d Hold Hearings On The 2020 Riots. Here’s What They Said | DAILY CALLER

ARGLE BARGLE RAR! Jake Paul lists each and every one of Biden’s ‘accomplishments’ in BRUTAL tweet and the Left just can’t deal | Twitchy

IT STARTED ON ELECTION NIGHT (OR BEFORE): Outraged Viewers Bombard Fox News For Segment Promoting Child Gender Experiments | The Federalist

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