This week’s topics at the Lighthouse include Liz Cheney’s crash and burn moment is at hand (and yet she thinks she could be President), FBI seizes Trumps passports before saying it was just a mistake, actual whistleblowers come forward, Tucker is on fire after returning from vacation, the passing of Aussie icon Olivia Newton-John, Twitter rolls out “protection” plans for the mid-terms, and more!

Question of the Week: If doctors pronounce you legally dead by the absence of a heartbeat, how then is a baby’s heartbeat not a sign of life?

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Photo credit: Post Millennial

SHE’S DEAD TO ME (AND THINKS SHE COULD BE PRESIDENT): Liz Cheney Faces Wyoming Voters on Tuesday | Breitbart

ORGANIZED GOVERNMENTAL CRIME: President Trump Says FBI Seized His Three Passports in Mar-a-Lago Raid | The Gateway Pundit

WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE DEMOCRAT? Here’s How Much Biden’s Twice-As-Large IRS Could Take From The Middle Class | Daily Wire

FIGHTING RACISM IN MINNESOTA…WITH…WAIT FOR IT…RACISM! White Teachers Will Be First to Be Laid Off Under New Minneapolis School District Policy | RedState

NOTE TO THE GOP: This Is Why You Don’t Vote to Confirm Partisan Hacks | PJ Media

THESE ARE ACTUAL WHISTLEBLOWERS, ADAM SCHIFF: 14 FBI whistleblowers have come forward against DOJ following Mar-a-Lago raid, says Jim Jordan | BPR

CAN YOU SAY BANANA REPUBLIC? Biden’s ‘double standard’ endangering the rule of law | The Liberty Loft

THE DEFINITION OF EXTRAORDINARY SPIRIT: ‘She Wasn’t Afraid’: Actress Jane Seymour Talks About Dear Friend Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Extraordinary’ Spirit

TUCKER’S BACK WITH A VENGEANCE (EVEN THOUGH IT’S FOX): Tucker returns from vacation and does not mince a single word… | Revolver

APPARENTLY THE WOLF IS GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE AGAIN: Twitter rolls out plans ‘to protect’ US midterm elections and suppress ‘misleading information’ | The Post Millennial

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