This week’s topics at the Lighthouse include Colorado “accidentally” sending 30k registration mailers to non-citizens, Planned Parenthood attempting to register the dead in Texas, PayPal going communist and back again (too late), the NYT tries to defend the “Resident’s” lies, and more!

Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

Photo credit: AP

THE POST MILLENNIAL: 30,000 voter registration mailers sent to non-citizens in Colorado

RED STATE: Tulsi Gabbard’s Not the First to Leave the Democrats, and They’d Do Well to Listen to Why

PJ MEDIA: Planned Parenthood Accused of Trying to Register Dead People to Vote in Texas

THE WASHINGTON TIMES: PayPal takes a page from the Chinese Communist Party’s playbook

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: Maria Bartiromo DESTROYS Democrat Debbie Dingell on Joe Biden’s Open Borders

DAILY WIRE: 9 Of The 10 Most Popular Governors Are Republican, According To New Poll

TOWN HALL: New York Times Races to Do Damage Control to Defend Biden’s Lies

THE EPOCH TIMES: Supreme Court Backs Republican in Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots Case

BPR: Former Newsmax host claims he was nudged out of network for refusing to attack Tucker Carlson

BREITBART: RNC Reminds Americans Democrats Voted to Hire 87,000 IRS Agents

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