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BREITBART: Blue States California and New York Experience ‘Six-Figure’ Population Decrease

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: At What Point Do We Call Out the RINOs and Idiots for Not Seeing the Massive Democrat Voter Fraud?

WASHINGTON TIMES: Biden’s new 401(k) rule threatens to funnel workers’ retirement funds into ‘woke’ causes

TOWNHALL: Kevin McCarthy Comes Up Short Again As Speaker Race Heads to Third Ballot

DAILY CALLER: Anti-McCarthy Voters Coalesce Around Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan

PJ MEDIA: Are Vaccines Contributing to the Creation of COVID-19 Variants?

TWITCHY: Latest #TwitterFiles shows how Twitter LET Intelligence Community in (just gets worse and worse)

BPR: Fuming Dan Crenshaw gets personal in smug ‘Fox & Friends’ interview, blasts ‘petty’ McCarthy holdouts

RESIST THE MAINSTREAM: Kari Lake Files Petition to Transfer Election Lawsuit to Arizona Supreme Court

THE POLITICAL INSIDER: What the Jan 6 Committee Doesn’t Want You to Know, and More Importantly, Why

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