Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include more Americans waking up at sporting events, the steal is in play in California, Tucker takes on George W. Bush, and Nicki Minaj is raked over the cancel culture coals. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

REMIND ME WHICH SIDE IS KILLING HUMANS? Students at Ohio University: Pro-Life Group ‘a Danger to the Student Body’ (breitbart.com)

YOU KNOW IT…WE KNOW IT: More ‘Trump Won’ Banners Dropping at Sporting Events – Americans Waking Up to Realize Biden Is a Thief and a Joke (thegatewaypundit.com)

GREAT JOKE IF IT WEREN’T SO SERIOUS: California gubernatorial recall election candidate Larry Elder accused of being ‘a soldier for white supremacy’ – TheBlaze

TUCKER VS. GWB: You Are a ‘National Disgrace’: One Part of GWB’s 9/11 Speech Sparks Outrage (townhall.com)

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LEARN FROM THE PAST ELECTIONS: Here We Go: Irregularities Reported in Newsom Recall Election – PJ Media

NICKI MINAJ THE LATEST CANCEL CULTURE VICTIM: Nicki Minaj Incurs the Wrath of the COVID Hive Mind – RedState

SECRET, SECRET! I’VE GOT A SECRET: Facebook keeps a secret list of VIPs who are allowed to break the rules without consequences: report – TheBlaze

HOW DO YOU PROTECT THE VACCINATED FROM THEMSELVES? Kamala Harris’s push for ‘protecting the vaccinated’ gets big challenge: ‘Doesn’t the vax do that?’ (bizpacreview.com)

MAGA KIDS & OUR CLUELESS “RESIDENT”: EPIC: Biden Gets Trolled by a Bunch of MAGA Kids (100percentfedup.com)

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