Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the latest variant fearmongering from Fauci and Company, racial “trauma” caused by the Rittenhouse verdict, the Dems secret plan to install Hillary in the Presidency, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey unexpectedly (or was it expected) quitting, and the Ghislain Maxwell trial is starting. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below:

OMICRON FEARMONGERING…IN OTHER WORDS (OR LETTERS)…MORONIC: Fauci on Lockdowns to Fight Omicron Variant: U.S. Should Be ‘Prepared to Do Anything’ (

HILARIOUS WHEN YOU NEED “RACIAL TRAUMA” HELP FOR A NON-RACIAL JUSTIFIED CASE OF SELF DEFENSE LIKE RITTENHOUSE: Levi Strauss Provides ‘Racial Trauma’ Help For Employees Troubled By Rittenhouse Verdict | The Daily Wire

BIDEN IS LESS POPULAR THAN THE MOST DESPISED GOVERNOR IN THE COUNTRY: President Joe Biden lower approval rating than all governors – TheBlaze

JACK IS OUT AT TWITTER? Twitter Surges on Report that Dorsey will Step Down as CEO – Breitbart

THIS NIGHTMARE COULDN’T GET WORSE…OR COULD IT? WOW: Wayne Allyn Root Reveals How Democrats May Try To Install Hillary Clinton As President Of The United States (

DON’T LET THE MSM BURY THIS TRIAL: Ghislaine Maxwell ready to take stand to defend herself at sex trafficking trial (

IN DEFENSE OF IVERMECTIN: A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: “Step Aside” and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin – by Mary Beth Pfeiffer – RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo (

WAIT A MINUTE…I THOUGHT THERE WAS ALREADY A SCIENCE GUY: Sens. Ted Cruz & Rand Paul SET FIRE to ‘unelected TECHNOCRAT’ Anthony Fauci: ‘The absolute HUBRIS’! – The Right Scoop

SHE SHOULD DEFINITELY CONSULT WITH POCAHONTAS: Director of Native Health Research in Canada Forced to Resign – PJ Media

THE HYPOCRISY CHRONICLES: Wow! Austrian Leaders including Chancellor Shallenberg Seen Out Celebrating at Massive Party Mask-less After Putting Country in Historic Lockdown (VIDEO) (

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