Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Maxine Waters paying her daughter 70k from campaign funds, Southwest caving to mandate pressures, Christopher Steele materializes suddenly on the dossier, NY continues to erase history, and the left comes up with a new solution for supply chain issues…get over it. Check it out and be sure to subscribeContinue reading “TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2021”

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MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2021

Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include yet another betrayal by what should be a Trump ally, Chris Wallace losing his last bit of credibility, seeing d*** in the women’s locker room, and Make-A-Wish decides children are children, vaccinated or not . Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: BIOWEAPONS RACE TARGETING BY CHINA:Continue reading “MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the unlikely return of THAT 70’S SHOW, Bernie channeling his inner diva, inventing fake hate crimes, BLM being overtaken by scandal, and “The Love Boat(s)” sail in Florida. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: WOKENESS RUN AMUCK: Toward a Critical Woke Theory | The American ConservativeContinue reading “TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2021”

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TUEDAY, MAY 25, 2021

I THINK WE’LL PASS: Iowa, Alabama Governors Sign Laws Banning Vaccine Passports (theepochtimes.com) STARTING TO LOOK SUSPICIOUS? Biden Left Out 1 Big Name in His Cybersecurity Order, And It’s Starting to Look Suspicious (westernjournal.com) STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES: Joe Biden’s imperiled economy | Washington Examiner PELOSI’S “ARMED INSURRECTION” BLOWN UP BY FACTS: Pelosi’s JanContinue reading “TUEDAY, MAY 25, 2021”

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