Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Macron getting a slap in the face, a Christian teacher is reinstated, AOC is disappointed (again), Liberals complain about America but aren’t leaving, and Lori Lightfood gets some bad news. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: DONNA BRAZILE’S DELUSIONS: Donna Brazile’s Race Delusions Endanger American CommunitiesContinue reading “TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2021”

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MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021

Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the Supreme Court and the draft for women, a valedictorian words on abortion, Kamala’s making cookies, and how as conservatives we must RESIST the left’s agenda every day…every moment. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: WOMEN & THE DRAFT: Supreme Court refuses case to include womenContinue reading “MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021”

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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021

Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the foolishness of lockdowns, Trump getting thrown into FB jail for a few years, fact-checkers not so factual, and Biden sending wild horses to slaughter. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: UNDENIABLE: Sweden was right, lockdowns were wrong STRATEGICALLY BANKRUPT: The DCCC Accidentally Releases Embarrassing InternalContinue reading “FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include a judge forbidding fireworks at Mt. Rushmore on the 4th of July, Biden’s latest racist comment, Fauci lies under oath, Coke machines are cancelled, and Amazon using a reverse scarlet letter on its non-vaccinated employees . Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: FAUCI LIES UNDER OATH:Continue reading “THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the media revising history like 2021 is 1984, Biden insults black entrepreneurs, Fauci’s “life legacy” film in the works in the midst of the pandemic last year, it’s un-American to have election security, and the ongoing push to get people to vaccinate themselves. Check it out and be sureContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021”

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TUEDAY, MAY 25, 2021

I THINK WE’LL PASS: Iowa, Alabama Governors Sign Laws Banning Vaccine Passports (theepochtimes.com) STARTING TO LOOK SUSPICIOUS? Biden Left Out 1 Big Name in His Cybersecurity Order, And It’s Starting to Look Suspicious (westernjournal.com) STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES: Joe Biden’s imperiled economy | Washington Examiner PELOSI’S “ARMED INSURRECTION” BLOWN UP BY FACTS: Pelosi’s JanContinue reading “TUEDAY, MAY 25, 2021”

THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021

TYRANTS & LOSING THEIR LEVERAGE: What Will The Petty Tyrants Resort To Once They Lose Their Virus Leverage? – Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com) DON’T FORGET THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED: Facebook ‘Fact Checkers’ Punish and Censor Debate on Climate Science by Katie Pavlich (townhall.com) THE COVID ORIGIN COVER-UP CAMPAIGN: The Media’s COVID Origin Coverup Campaign HasContinue reading “THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021”

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