FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021

Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include GRADUATION & GOD in commencement speeches, suggestions to fight corporate wokeness, indoctrinated Portland students raising funds for Hamas, Never-Trumpers have a hard time deciphering context in a Gaetz comment, as well as breaking news on “President” Biden and his twists and turns when it comes to ice cream! CheckContinue reading “FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021”

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PLAY OR NO PAY: LONE STAR PRIDE: Texas House Votes to ‘Pull Funding’ from Teams Who Don’t Play the National Anthem | Sean Hannity WOKE MOB TARGETS “FIXER UPPER” STARS: Woke mob targets Joanna and Chip Gaines over $1,000 donation to his sister’s campaign to a local school board – TheBlaze VIRUS ORIGIN IS RELEVENTContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2021”


AT LEAST IT’S NOT AS BAD AS “CATS”: Andrew Lloyd Webber: People Who Decline Vaccines Like Drunk Drivers ( BIDEN “FORD TOUGH”…ON ISRAEL: Reporter can’t ask Biden question on Israel “unless you get in front of the car as I step on it.” (Daily Caller) BREAKING – GEORGIA AUDIT: VERNON JONES Schedules Press Conference inContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021”

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