Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Psaki tell us the vaccine can still kill, Lindell putting his money where his mouth is, NFL stars pushing back on mandates, and Facebook dealing with hoes. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: PSAKI STEPS IN IT…AGAIN: In Apparent Slip Of The Tongue Jen Psaki SaysContinue reading “THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Pelosi rejecting GOP appointees, Biden is using a private server for Hunter, updates on the vaccine mandates, inflation is not really an issue, and Tom Brady scores a great conservative touchdown. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: INTEGRITY OF THE INVESTIGATION? I AM ROTFL: Pelosi rejectsContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021”

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TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021

Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Fauci fighting back, Psaki unwittingly being a hypocrite again, our animatronic “president”, fully vaxed people keep getting sick, and a senior FBI agent gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: FAUCI DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH, ME THINKS: SenatorContinue reading “TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021”

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MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021

Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the Biden stock market slide, President Trump destroys Bret Baier, the demand for election integrity is spreading, a secret malware weapon called Pegasus, and Biden takes on Facebook. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: DEMOCRATS ALSO HESITANT? Hemmingway Destroys Dem Narrative on Vaccines: 61% of VaccineContinue reading “MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021”

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