PLAY OR NO PAY: LONE STAR PRIDE: Texas House Votes to ‘Pull Funding’ from Teams Who Don’t Play the National Anthem | Sean Hannity WOKE MOB TARGETS “FIXER UPPER” STARS: Woke mob targets Joanna and Chip Gaines over $1,000 donation to his sister’s campaign to a local school board – TheBlaze VIRUS ORIGIN IS RELEVENTContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2021”

TUEDAY, MAY 25, 2021

I THINK WE’LL PASS: Iowa, Alabama Governors Sign Laws Banning Vaccine Passports ( STARTING TO LOOK SUSPICIOUS? Biden Left Out 1 Big Name in His Cybersecurity Order, And It’s Starting to Look Suspicious ( STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES: Joe Biden’s imperiled economy | Washington Examiner PELOSI’S “ARMED INSURRECTION” BLOWN UP BY FACTS: Pelosi’s JanContinue reading “TUEDAY, MAY 25, 2021”

FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021

DEMOCRAT DEFECTIONS & 2 TRILLION: House Democrats barely pass bill bolstering Capitol security after progressive defections ( REPEAT AFTER ME – “CONFLICT OF INTEREST”: WATCH: ‘It was a mistake’: Chris Cuomo apologizes for advising governor brother while covering him on CNN | The Post Millennial NYC RIOT & FIREBOMB: WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Rioters Appear to Attack,Continue reading “FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021”

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