Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: Photo credit: The Gateway Pundit DAILY CALLER: FBI Records Reveal Ukrainian Oligarch Linked To Hunter Biden Called Joe Biden The “Big Guy” THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: REVEALED: Merrick Garland and Jack Smith Used Linguistic Tricks to Indict President Trump on Junk Documents Charges WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: HillaryContinue reading “GO BACK, JACK. DO IT AGAIN”


Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the impact of a cheerleader versus a cheat, Maricopa County foreshadowing the fraud with a canvassing report, Rand Paul vindicated in his fight with Fauci, and liberals cannot figure out why so many don’t want the jab. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: THE “NON-EXISTENT” ELECTIONContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include college football fans telling us how they really feel, planeloads of people are hostage of the Taliban, another Ivermectin danger claim bites the dust, and Florida is setting up fining business who demand proof of vaccination from Covid. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: IT’S THEContinue reading “MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include gun sales spiking in August due to the Biden “presidency”, vaccine alternatives take center-stage, Jen Psaki snaps yet again, Biden’s new jobs report tanks by half a million, and Candace Owens is denied medical services by a woke clinic (who apparently are the last word in the definition ofContinue reading “FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include multiple instances of corporate wokeness (hope they turn to sh*t), Biden coercing Afghan President but gets a press pass, Michigan rejects natural covid immunity, and a cover-up begins right before our eyes Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: SO, WILL THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS CENSORSHIPContinue reading “WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include the Pentagon admitting they knew a terrorist attack was coming, the Dems seriously want misinformation suppressed even if it is the truth, Alyssa Milano proves just how stupid she is, and Rand Paul has the last laugh. Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: THEY KNEW IT:Continue reading “MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2021”

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Today’s topics at the Lighthouse include Mark Levin’s latest bestseller, Joy Reid gets confused on who is seeking power, Pelosi’s husband spends 11 million without Nancy knowing it, snowflakes left clutching their pearls due to a live comment from a tennis legend, and we really. really need President Trump back. Check it out and beContinue reading “THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2021”

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