Check it out and be sure to subscribe below: Photo credit: RedState BREITBART: Fact Check: Schiff, Swalwell, Omar Falsely Claim McCarthy Cut Deal to Remove Them from Certain Committees During Speaker’s Race THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: President Trump Remains the Top Candidate by a Long Shot Leading Into 2024 Election DAILY CALLER: Stacey Abrams Silent AboutContinue reading “LIAR, LIAR”

THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021

TYRANTS & LOSING THEIR LEVERAGE: What Will The Petty Tyrants Resort To Once They Lose Their Virus Leverage? – Issues & Insights ( DON’T FORGET THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED: Facebook ‘Fact Checkers’ Punish and Censor Debate on Climate Science by Katie Pavlich ( THE COVID ORIGIN COVER-UP CAMPAIGN: The Media’s COVID Origin Coverup Campaign HasContinue reading “THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021”

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